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Mo-Vember at Hobarts Garage!

Hobarts Garage is playing a critical role in supporting this worthwhile cause. Staff members at our Kilcoy workshop are putting away our razors and growing our 'Mo's', a fun and light-hearted approach with serious impact.

Movember is an annual charity event that encourages men across the globe to grow their moustaches for the month of November, to raise awareness and funds for men's health issues such as prostate and testicular cancer and mental health.

By showcasing our moustaches, the team not only brings awareness to the event but also directly contribute to raising funds for the cause.

As part of our involvement, Hobarts Garage is encouranging an online donation where you can contribute directly to our fundraising efforts. Donations start from $35 and can reach up to $250 or more.

$35 provides support to a man recently diagnosed with testicular cancer, $60 prepares a plan for men reaching out to a friend struggling with mental health, $100 contributes to innovative research on aggressive prostate cancers, and $250 funds studies that improve understanding of different prostate cancer types. Each donation has a clear impact, improving the lives of men worldwide.

Keep an eye on the team as our faces change!

Keep an eye on the team as our faces change!

Thank you!

A HUGE Thank You to everyone that has supported us with Movember, some great Conversation shared over the month regarding Men's Health.

You can continue to donate here!